Body Language That Helps You Connect

    Strategic Advisor Board

    When you're in a conversation with someone, your body language reflects your emotional state and level of engagement. It can be used to determine if you like the person you're talking to or if you want to walk away.

    Body language is a silent language that you use to express yourself. It's the way you communicate with other people by using facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, and posture. Body language can be used to convey a message and is a powerful tool for influencing others.

    What are Common Ways to Tell Someone Wants to Connect?

    Are you getting better at body language and connecting with people? Body language is one of the easiest ways to understand what someone wants or needs, but some people don't know how to read the signs others give out. To help you learn how to connect with people, here are the most common ways to tell if someone likes you and is interested in connecting with you.

    Eye Contact

    When people look away from you or look at their phones, they usually aren't trying to communicate with you. However, if someone looks you in the eye and smiles when they talk to you, they usually want to interact with you.


    If someone touches you on the arm or shoulder, they might be interested in you. If they touch your face, like putting their hand over your mouth, they are making a severe expression and probably want to interact with you.


    People make gestures when they're telling you something. For instance, if you see someone's hand going up and down while they talk to you, it means they're probably excited about what they're saying and want you to agree with them.

    Nonverbal Communication

    It is the most important way to read body language. A person's nonverbal communication tells you much about what they want and if they're interested in connecting with you. For instance, if someone leans forward while talking to you, they might be showing interest. If someone crosses their arms over their chest, it shows that they're defensive.


    Fidgeting is one of the signs that you're interested in connecting with someone. When you fidget, you might be anxious, nervous, or excited.


    How someone holds themselves says a lot about how they feel. If they cross their arms over their chest, it shows that they're defensive. If they sit up straight, it shows that they're confident.

    Voice Inflection

    You can tell whether someone is happy, sad, mad, or excited by the tone of their voice. For instance, when someone is excited, they might raise their voice, and when someone is sad, they might lower their voice.

    The Most Important Gesture: The Headshake

    Headshakes are a universal gesture that we all use to communicate with one another. When we head-shake, we're saying that we don't know what to say. We're not sure if we agree or disagree with the statement or question you've just asked.

    Headshakes are a great way to get out of awkward situations. It's a gesture that can be used to indicate that we're not sure if something is true or not. It can also be used to show that we want to hear more about a topic.

    It's a good idea to learn how to shake hands in social situations. The head shake is an easy gesture to learn and is a quick way to let someone know that you don't have anything to say.

    The Importance of Nonverbal Communication

    The importance of nonverbal communication in business has increased over the years. In today's world, every business owner needs to understand the importance of communication skills to communicate effectively.

    How often have you found yourself at the receiving end of an insensitive remark or verbal attack? How often have you been put off by the lack of eye contact or body language in others? It is not a new phenomenon. We are a social species. The development of human culture and civilization is based mainly on understanding the importance of nonverbal communication.

    Before we go further, let us understand what nonverbal communication is. Nonverbal communication is a type of communication that involves the body, facial expressions, and gestures. It is often thought of as the opposite of verbal communication. For example, if you want to ask someone a question, you will use verbal communication. On the other hand, if you're going to convey a message to a person, you will use nonverbal communication. You may say something like, "Tell me about yourself" or "Please do not lie." In such cases, you are using nonverbal communication to convey your message.

    How Does Nonverbal Communication Affect Business?

    It is essential to understand the importance of nonverbal communication in business for a number of reasons. For one thing, it is necessary to realize that most people are visual. People do not learn or remember things through words alone. They know and retain information when they see things. As such, when you make a mistake, people notice it. When you are rude, they also notice it. So, in business, it is essential to look at things through the eyes of your customers. A lot of people in the industry often think that what they do matters, but what they do not matter. The truth is, how you act and behave is much more important than what you say.

    There are several ways in which nonverbal communication affects business.

    • First, when you are speaking, you may not realize that you are doing a poor job of conveying your message. Because people are visual, they look at you when you talk and listen to you. So, if you are not good at communicating verbally, people may get the wrong impression of you. It will result in a bad customer experience.
    • Second, people will not be impressed if you have excellent verbal communication skills but fail to project confidence.
    • Finally, you may be arrogant if you fail to convey your emotions correctly. It is an essential aspect of nonverbal communication because people can easily recognize a person who is angry, upset, or stressed.

    Learn How to Use Body Language to Make a Connection

    • Step 1: Use eye contact: Always look at them when you're connecting with someone. Look at their eyes. Look at their mouth. Look at their hands.
    • Step 2: Use hand gestures: Use hand gestures when talking to people. Make sure that your hands are in the correct position. Make sure that your palms are facing outwards.
    • Step 3: Use posture: When you're sitting or standing, ensure your posture is correct. Make sure that your shoulders are down and relaxed.
    • Step 4: Use voice tone: When you're speaking, use a specific tone of voice. Use a warm vocal tone. Use a casual voice tone. Use a friendly voice tone.
    • Step 5: Use facial expressions: When speaking, use facial expressions to show how you feel about what you're saying. Make sure that your face is open and relaxed.

    Why Is Understanding Body Language Important?

    Understanding body language is essential because it tells a lot about a person. You can learn a lot from the way people move and the way they react to you. Body language can be a great way to learn more about a person. It's an excellent way to find out more about a person's personality.

    Understanding body language can help you to get to know someone better. You can use it to find out how a person is feeling. Body language can tell you a lot about a person. You can learn a lot about a person by watching their body language.

    You can use body language to read a person's emotions. You can tell how a person is feeling by the way they move. You can learn a lot from the way a person moves. You can learn a lot about a person's personality by watching their body language.

    How to Read Body Language According to Every Body Part?

    There are many different parts of the body that you need to pay attention to when reading body language.

    These are:

    • Head: This is the most prominent part of the body to observe. It can be used to reveal the person's feelings, mood, and intentions. It is an essential aspect of body language because it can give you a lot of information about a person's emotional state.
    • Facial Expressions: These are the most apparent facial expressions a person uses when feeling something. For instance, smiling is an excellent way to show happiness, while frowning is a good way to show anger.
    • Eyes: These are the essential parts of the body. They can be used to show things such as confidence, trust, interest, etc. You need to pay close attention to the person's eyes to determine what they are thinking.
    • Hands: It is always helpful to pay attention to how someone uses their hands. Hands are very expressive when a person is communicating with you.

    8 Body Language Tips That Help You Connect

    The key to body language is eye contact. Studies have shown that 90% of communication is nonverbal. It means that the way a person holds their head, face, arms, and legs while talking can tell you more about their feelings than anything they could say.

    Here are eight body language tips that can help you improve your own body language and make connections with others easier:

    1. Make eye contact

    Eye contact is vital for communicating. Eye contact makes you more relaxed, which makes you more likable. People often mistake lack of eye contact as being rude or cold. In fact, when you don't look at someone, they tend to perceive you as distant, cold, or unfriendly.

    It's important to note that if you're meeting someone for the first time, you should still make eye contact. Even if you know the person well, ensure you still look at them when you're talking to them. It shows respect, and you'll make a connection.

    2. Smile

    Smiling is a great way to show interest in someone else's words. Smiling naturally brightens your eyes, making you appear more attractive and friendly. Smiling also increases the volume of your voice, making it easier to be heard.

    You're showing your teeth when you smile, which can be intimidating for some people. It can also come off as fake. Instead of smiling, try using a subtle smile. You can give a smile by raising the corners of your mouth without revealing your teeth.

    3. Stand tall

    Another essential thing to note is that when you stand tall, you are putting your shoulders back, chest out, and head up. It gives off a confident vibe. When someone is tall, it feels like they're larger than life.

    4. Lean in

    When you lean in, you're showing interest in what someone else is saying. If you're leaning in too far, it may feel like you're invading their personal space.

    5. Sit upright

    If you sit upright, you're showing that you're interested in what someone else is saying. It can come across as rude or lazy if you're slouched over.

    6. Keep your hands away from your face

    Keep your hands away from your face. You want to keep your hands visible so people can see that you're not hiding something.

    Equally important, keeping your hands away from your face can help you relax and lower your stress level.

    7. Avoid crossing your arms

    Crossing your arms is a natural human instinct. However, it can come across as defensive or arrogant. If you cross your arms, it can make you look closed off or even angry. Instead, try crossing your arms on your chest.

    8. Use your whole body

    If you're speaking, use your whole body. When you talk, you want to use your entire body. You don't just want to talk with your mouth; you want to use your whole body.

    Equally important, keeping your hands away from your face can help you relax and lower your stress level.

    Ending Remarks

    In conclusion, your body language and gestures can tell a lot about you. You need to learn to control your body language to connect with others. To learn how to communicate with people, you must know how to read body language. You can use this knowledge to become more confident and improve your communication skills.

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    Written and Published By The Strategic Advisor Board Team
    C. 2017-2021 Strategic Advisor Board / M&C All Rights Reserved

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